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Generating a PDF Report

On the Base Assets list there is a feature that allows you to generate a PDF list of selected assets. This PDF list serves as a printer-friendly or email-friendly version of your asset list, which can be provided to a broker or used for stocktaking.

Generating a PDF list of Selected Assets

  1. Navigate to the Assets page by clicking on Assets > Assets in the explorer side bar.

A screenshot depicting how the user can navigate to the "Assets" table using the sidebar. In this example, the user has pressed the "Assets" folder, which has icon of a box with confetti inside. The user has then pressed the "Assets" table button, which has an icon of three list items.

  1. Select the relevant tab of what you want to generate a report of (Assets, IT Assets, or Vehicles)

A screenshot of the Tab Strip at the top of the Assets page. The screenshot is annotated with a red box to highlight the location of the tabs: "All Assets", "IT Assets" and "Vehicles".

  1. Select the Assets, IT assets, or Vehicles you wish to be included in the report. This can be achieved by:
    • Using the selection circle at the start of each item row
    • Clicking and dragging to select multiple rows

A screenshot demonstrating the appearance and location of the Delete button when selecting multiple assets. The delete button is in the Command Bar, is coloured red, and has an icon of a trash can. The button's text reads: "Delete 2 Assets", because two assets have been selected in the data table below. The screenshot is annotated with a red box to highlight the location of the delete button.

  1. In the top right of the page, press the Generate Assets PDF Command Bar button

A screenshot of the "Generate Assets PDF" button. The screenshot depicts the Tab Strip and Command Bar of an Assets page. The screenshot is annotated with a red box to highlight the location of the "Generate Assets PDF"

  1. Enter the email address you want to send the PDF to, and click OK.

A screenshot that shows the pop up menu that appears after the user clicks on the "Generate Assets PDF". In the example, the user has typed "" in the "Email" field that appears. The screenshot is annotated with a red box to highlight the "OK" button.

  1. After approximately 30 seconds you will receive an email with a link to the generated Assets, IT Assets, or Vehicles PDF.